Monday, September 3, 2012



Amazon - female warriors that spurn male dominated societies. In her society they have a place higher above, the protector is their title. Proficient: club, javelin, spear (short or long), longbow, half axe or battleaxe, long sword, two-handed sword, short sword and leather armor. Gain +1step in handle animal, knowledge(armorer, smithing, hunting,) athletics, & survival.

Barbarian - powerful warrior from the wilds of civilization. Shun civilized society. Proficient: battle axe, short and long bows, club, dirk, dagger, two handed sword, two-handed hammer, throwing axe, sling, and leather armor. Gain +1step on strength, intimidation, and survival.

Cavalier - ultimate mounted warrior. Have a positive reaction as of the hero. Proficient: lance, sword (any), mace, flail, and heavy armor. Receive mount. Gain +1 step endurance, handle animal, and presence.

Blessed Warrior - a career soldier, for glory and fame. Proficient: battle axe, bow (short and long), crossbow (heavy and light), spear (long or short), sword ( long, two-handed, scimitar, or rapier), and all armor. Gain +1 step athletics, endurance, knowledge(armorer, smithing), survival. 

Amazon Priestess - Stands at the height of her society. Proficient: spear, longbow, and short sword. +1 step in knowledge(armorer), survival, and animal handling. Wears leather armor or studded leather armor. Able to cast divine spells from 2 arcs(elements[fire,water, cold, earth,air], hunting, moon, sky/weather, war, wisdom)

Barbarian Priest - Respected above all except for the chief. Proficient: battleaxe, warhammer, longsword. Gaint +1 step in endurance, animal handling, and survival. Restricted to light armor. Able to cast divine spells from 2 arcs (agriculture, war, earth, hunting, nature, strength, thunder, lightning.)

Prophet Priest - Sometimes shunned by society as crazy. Proficient: staff. Gain +1 step for divination spells, heal, insight. Able to cast divine spells from 3 arcs(divination, druid,  protection, and healing)

Scholar Priest - Cloistered in there life. They spend a majority of their time locked up with their books. Proficient with staff, mace, flail, and can wear all armor types with a shield. Gain +1 step to intelligence and wisdom. Able to cast divine spells from 2 arcs(arts, crafts, divinity healing, magic, wisdom)

Academy Wizard - Most of their lives are spent apart from the world. Gain +1 step to specialize in one school of magic. Proficient: dagger, dart, knife, sling, and staff. Gaint +1 step to intelligence, knowledge arcanist. Able to cast arcanist spells from all schools of Magic.

Combatant Wizard - Militant school system of Arcanist. Restricted to school of abjurer, alterator, summoner, invoker, and necromantor. Proficient: battleaxe, longbow, spear, and short sword. Gain +1 step for animal handling and survival.Can only cast spells from 2 schools of Magic. Able to cast arcanist spells.

Mystic Wizard - Normally lives life on the outskirts of society. Proficient: dagger, dart, staff, and sling. Gain +1 to cast enchanter spells, knowledge(agriculture, crafts, and leatherworking). Restricted schools for spells are illusory, diviner, and enchanter. Able to cast arcanist spells.

Hedge Wizard - Proficient: animal handling, bows (short or long), dagger, spear, staff. Preferred schools for spells are from abjurer, illusory, invoker, alterator, and summoner. Able to cast arcanist spells.

Acrobat - Gain +1 step to increase agility, and presence. Proficient: light armor, dagger, knife, short sword, rapier, club, and shortbow.

Beggar - Gain +1 step to increase alertness,  and deception. Proficient: no armor knife, dagger, sling, and staff. sneak attack from behind [can only be done if not noticed and can't be done once combat has ensued.]

Scout - Gain +1 step to survival, spot and stealth. Proficient: light armor, short sword, dagger, rapier.

Swashbuckler - Gain +1 step to deception, intimidation, and presence. Proficient: rapier, scimitar, short sword, and whip. Can wear light and medium armor.

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